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Post Election

POST ELECTION   We’ve had our General Election, UK wide on 4th July, it’s the 7th today and the media repetition of ‘whatiffery’ continues to cause mental health issues across the nation. Though, for sure, not the same issues for all.   Who is at the top of...

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Fourth of July

FOURTH OF JULY   Hi kids, children and loved grand weans, I continue to scribble stuff in the probably vain hope that when you are older you will read some of them and maybe look at your world, as it is, and see how it is and importantly be active in the issues...

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May Blog

An erection of huge proportions. What a cock up.   Hi guys, it’s the middle of May and on the 22nd of May our so called prime minister, Rishi Sunak, a multi multi millionaire , has announced that there will be a UK general election on the 4th July - this year - 6...

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Reflections on an Adventure. Part 3

Hi kids. Still blethering about this. I mused long and often on what I went through.   Not to be too dramatic, so many have been through worse but there were scary moments that challenged the stability of the daily cycle of life!   Here are a few...

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Koh Phanang ; Samui Part two

So, on the ambulance boat - normally would be a wee adventure - taken to Samui, 40 minutes to this island - another ambulance to the ‘BIG’ hospital, straight into the ward which now confirmed as intensive care unit - ICU - the doctor said that people have died from...

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Not Quite a Holiday!

Well, I wrote about my hopes for the collision of good people in Koh Phanang, Thailand that I’ve been doing for a number of years.   Well kids I can tell you, it was an adventure that I didn’t expect, ask for or would want again.   Here are a few hundred...

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The Sight of Sinners.

Dearest grand weans!!   It’s towards the end of January 2024 and is freezing outside, not too warm inside either!   I’m looking forward to a holiday at the end of the month, meeting some friends in Thailand - dreading the travel, but looking forward to the...

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New Year 2024

2024, RESOLUTION, REVOLUTION..   Hello bonnie weans, Happy New Year to you all - you will never know the love I send in these words that can’t do you, or myself I guess, justice or the feelings behind them. My love for you is ‘it’. So ‘it’ will be.   It’s a...

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25th December 2023

Good day, it’s Christmas Day, 2023, well 24th really, and I’m summing up the energy to put a word or two to paper on this holly-day that is really meant to keep things going on the site. Interesting? Who knows, but kids these messages are for you, in the still,...

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Hi kids, wherever you are in life journey. Sandy is 18, the rest are 4 to 6 years old with the bonnie Faye about to be one on 23rd December, same date as her grandma, who is a bit older than 12 months. Quiz, she is really old - how old? 6? Big prizes for the best...

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